How to pray? V6 Whenever you pray – whenever – no time specified. So this was a prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray. Did the Lord pray this prayer? Because we read in v12 forgive us our debts or trespasses, in other words sin. This prayer is said to be the Lord’s prayer. 6:6 - Before we go on to the study of our text, a few important things we should bear in mind: Example adultery – everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. In the Sermon on the Mount guidance was given in the affirmative/ positive, uprooting evil intentions (seed) rather than waiting to destroy the fruits. On Mount Sinai guidance was given through the Ten Commandments which were negative in form – thou shall not. At the Sermon on the Mount, God is incarnate (in person) – in the human form of Jesus. On Mount Sinai God appeared to Moses and his people in clouds and thunders (Ex.

There is a resemblance between the Sermon on the Mount and the Ten Commandments but there is a difference in perspective (viewpoint). This text is taken from the Lord’s Prayer which appears in Mt 6:9-13, is a part of the Sermon on the Mount preached by Jesus consisting of Ch 5, 6 & 7.

This evening we are going to reflect upon the words – Our Father, Hallowed be Thy Name. Our Father, Hallowed be Thy Name With 0 Comments,